Chrissy Holmes


Chrissy Holmes has a multi-disciplined practice that is underpinned by her love of nature and her grief over the destruction of it. She makes paintings, animations and illustrations to celebrate the wonders of nature and raise awareness of climate issues. Increasingly she has used her art practice as a tool for activism and some of her animations and illustrations have been used by climate activist group – Parents For Future – on recent campaigns. Currently she is painting a mural in the playground at Knowle Park Primary School.

Public Programme

Chrissy plans to develop a new series of prints to illustrate nature based climate solutions, and to have an exhibition of these prints towards the end of the residency. When she holds the exhibition of completed prints she would like to invite the local primary school children to exhibit alongside her. She will be asking the children to make paintings and drawings of their favourite things in nature or imagined future worlds, and then to come and see their work displayed. She hopes the exhibition will spark conversations about climate issues amongst this audience.

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