How we do it


We are an organisation led by artists and curators with an extensive network of art industry professionals, with years of curatorial expertise. We have a considered matchmaking process for each property and artist that we work with, selecting the best creative projects for the space, whether it is large or small, short or long term.

We are proud to support the cultural sector with more than £1.6m worth of free space at a time gallery closures, and funding cuts to the arts, which then not only impacts the lives and careers of the artist work with, but our free events engage local communities across the country.


Acting as a mediator between landowners and artists, Hypha Studios has set up a model that breaks down traditional barriers standing in the way of collaboration. By providing a standard approach and quality guarantee, they have made the idea of short-term lets tenable to landlords and the application process accessible to artists.

The process looks something like this:

1. Landlords confirm when and where they have an empty unit and negotiate the overall lease terms with Hypha.
2. Hypha sends out an open call for local artists, be they visual artists, curators, musicians, actors, dancers, or choreographers.
3. A local cultural partner is usually enlisted to advise on the selection of artists. Candidates that have a strong connection to the site and may face significant disadvantages to accessing space in any other way are generally prioritised. Candidates are also required to outline how they will give back to the local community, for example through the hosting of a workshop.
4. Successful candidates are invited to sign an agreement for a rent-free space under the agreed terms and conditions.
5. By providing social media support and networking opportunities, Hypha is also invested in making each tenancy count.


We have seen the powerful effect that art and cultural engagement can have in communities. The arts foster community ownership, cohesion, and a sense of pride, and where communities have fewer economic resources the arts create social capital and support equitable development.

Individuals benefit from attending and participating in cultural programmes and activities.
Effects of which can be seen as:
Engagement, energy and tension, concentration, captivation, absorption
Personal resonance, emotional connection, empathy, inspiration
Learning, thinking, provocation, challenge, intellectual stimulation
Aesthetic growth, discovery, aesthetic validation, creative stimulation
Social connectedness, sense of belonging, shared experience, social bridging, social bonding