

Studio Show organised by Reading School of Art
University of Reading
PRIVATE VIEW Tuesday 24 Oct 4-7pm
Open 25 Oct – 19 Nov
Friday – Saturday 1 – 5 pm
Unit L36 The Oracle, Reading RG1 2AG

Reading School of Art will present a multi-media exhibition of new work comprising painting, sculpture, video works and prints. They will populate the space with a series of interventions and organise a series of public events, including student-led artist talks and video screenings. Reading School of Art is an active art department at the University of Reading, with events, performances, screenings and shared discussions across disciplines that create a social environment.

Recent exhibitions by RSA students have included ‘Arachnophopbia and other Tales’ at Thames Tower 2023, ‘Escape – MA group show, 571 Oxford Road, 2023; The Group Show, self-organised by BA students at Broad Street Mall; Counter Urbanisation, international student show at Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, 2022; On Waiting, Strauhof Zurich, group show by staff and students, 2021.

Thursday 26 October 4 – 6pm: Artist-led exhibition tours 4-6pm, all welcome
Wednesday 1st November 2 – 4pm: Drawing workshop for children,  2- 4pm, (suitable for
children between 5-10 years) have to attend with parent or guardian
Thursday 2 November 4 – 6pm: Artist-led exhibition tours, all welcome
Thursday 9th November 5 – 6pm: Performances, all welcome
Tuesday 14th November 4 – 6pm Clay Workshop, all welcome
Thursday 16th November: 4 – 6pm: Workshop with UoR Fine Art Society (this events is
advertised to students only)

Kindly supported by Hypha Studios and Reading School of Art
Contact: @unirdg_art, @rsa_finalists2023

#readingart #contemporaryart #readingschoolofart #universityofreading #painting #drawing #sculptures
#performance #sound


Abraham Trent
Rim Alkaiat
Daisy Andrews
Mia Andreyeva
Jesse Archer
Alys Burton
Sofia Butrus
Juliana Chiffey
Sophia Chow
Anna Claffey
Gloria Da Silva
Megan Davies
Caitlin Davis

Georgina Dayanc
Katrina Dayanc
Melissa Fox
Serge Fradin De La Renaudiere
Aiora Gomez- Iradi
Kiera-Grace Gordon
Chloe Henriques Barbosa
Sophia Hinchliffe
Andie James
Millie Johnson
Saima Khan
Jasmine Khatani
Quin King-Higgins
Ariel Kwong
Samara Materna

Samara Materna
Nesta Maylam
Josie Meyer
Melissa Oliver
Siuli Pal
Tamia Precilla
Annabel Prescott
Aedan Price
Leah Rashid
Kira Read
Lucy Richardson
Megan Slater
Ireland Smither
Milly Tasker
Aimee Taylor

Si Wan Yam
Hoi Yee Yu.

contact information

Email: [email protected]
Socials: @unirdg_art
Website: https://sitesb.reading.ac.uk/art-degree-show-2023/



Featured Artworks

Aedan Price

Observation Awareness_, 2023, digital Print

Georgina and Katrina Dayanc,

Orchestra of goodbyes – installation shot, 2023

Jasmine Khatani

_Untitled_, 2023

Kira Read

Mother_, 2023, digital print.jpg

Andie James

Tropicalis Pt.3_, 2023

Ireland Smither

ans Corps Without Body_, 2023, Acrylic, Oil, Oil Pastel on canvas 59″ x 39″

Josie Meyer

Uterovision_, 2023, video, monitor, black and white, table, textile, yarn

Siuli Pal

The Last Supper_, 2023, oil on canvas

Sofia Butrus, _

Untitled 01_, 2023, lino print on canvas

Megan Davies

People Watching_ 2023.jpeg

Annabel Prescott, _

Sunday_, 2023, watercolour and acrylic on 60x60cm canvas

Kiera Grace

Nambie #1_, 2023, paper collage

Melissa Oliver,


Annabel Prescott

‘Sunday’, 2023, Watercolour and Acrylic on canvas

Juliana Chiffey

_Multi-coloured Geometric Shapes_, 2023, Coloured paper

Quin King-Higgins

Signing Hands’, 2023

Gloria Da Silva

‘In Motion’, 2023, Acrylic and Oil on canvas

Saima Khan

‘Amma’, 2023, Film, duration: 3 mins 14 seconds, 

Saima Khan

The Way of Tears_, 2023, installation still



Milly Tasker

‘Crochet Quodlibet’, 2023, Oil on canvas

Jesse Archer

‘Trend,’ 2023, Print and acrylic on reconstructed tape used for chest binding.

Alys Burton,

‘Home’, 2023, Screen Print on Fabric

Siuli-mo Pal

‘Is This Your Legacy?’, 2023, Oil on canvas. What do you think about when you hear the words “British Empire”? 

Millie Johnson,

‘Broken Finger’, 2023, Clay sculpture

Megan Davies,

‘Look Up’, 2023, Graphite pencil on paper and prints on acetate

Sophia Chow

‘Inner Love’, 2023, Acrylic on Canvas


‘Loyalty’, 2023, Acrylic on canvas

Daisy Andrews

‘Summer Garden’, 2023, Acrylic on canvas

‘Ariel Kwong,

‘Virtual Assistant Testing Package’, 2023, HD Video, duration: 1 min 30 seconds

Aimee Taylor

‘Shades of new’, 2023, Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

Sofia Butrus

‘The Light and Mercy’, 2023, screen print, acrylic paint, and oil paint on canvas.

Daisy Andrews

Floral Memories_, 2023, Acrylic paint on canvases

Josie Meyer

‘A Sullen Night’, 2023, Film, duration: 1 min 40 seconds

Sophia Hinchliffe

‘To be a girl’, 2023, acrylic on canvas

Andie James


Melissa Fox,

Holding Beauty’, 2023, Porcelain sculptures

Ireland Smither

‘Mother Stand Still’ (top left “Edith”, top right “Claire”, bottom left “Harriet”), 2023, Acrylic, oil and pastel on canvas

Anna Claffey

‘Stuck’, 2023, Animation

Mia Andreyeva,

 ‘Solace under the canopy’, 2023, Cyanotype print on fabric

Lucy Richardson,

‘Nostalgia’, 2023, Graphite pencil on paper, enlarged and printed

Trent Abraham,

‘Journey’, 2023, Photographs

Nesta Maylam,

‘Italia’, 2023, Screenprint on fabric

Chloe Henriques Barbosa,

‘Noli me tangere’, 2023, Cotton, Polyester

Kira Read,

‘OverLord’, 2023, Acrylic on cardboard, 38″ x 65″

Caitlin Davis

‘I shall not lie here’, 2023, Recycled pyjamas on bedsheet

Juliana Chiffey,

‘Disrupted Treescape’, 2023, Acrylic on canvas

Georgina Dayanc,

‘Ood and Organ’, 2023, Mixed media: Wooden tool table, cardboard, clamps,metal pipes and wool,

Samara Materna,

‘What happened to her?’, 2023 Acrylic on canvas,

Leah Rashid,

‘Breaking Free’, 2023, Mixed media sculpture

Jasmine Khatani,

‘Unspoken Differences’, 2023, Film, duration: 15 mins

Megan Slater,

‘i promise i’m not a capitalist but where there’s a Wilko there’s a way’, 2023, Text and Film

Sergei Fradin

De La Renaudiere, Untitled

Áedán Price,

Observed//Observer, 2023, Mixed Media Sculpture

Katrina Dayanc,

‘Ood and organ’, 2023, Mixed media: wooden tool table, card, clamps, metal copper and steel pipes and wool