Anna Fearon


Anna Fearon is a photographer/filmmaker living in Lewisham. She also facilitates film workshops for young people, and is the co-founder of the Black Exchange, a community project giving talks and events for the Black community . She is currently writing a script for her first feature film.

Anna initially started as a photographer and her practice has broadened into film also, working on short films and music videos. She has had her film The Muse screened at the V&A museum and has given a talk at Friday Lates: The eyes have it. Anna has been commissioned to make short films for Channel 4 random acts which have been broadcast on tv, she has also published two issues of ‘Blue’ a print publication, founded by herself which focuses on celebrating Black beauty, fashion and art. Anna would be primarily using the space for a studio to develop work and for community workshops. The space will allow Anna to develop her creative practice and allow her to explore new ideas and work on a larger scale. She has never had her own studio space before where she can set up her equipment, paint backgrounds and build sets/ props for shoots and be able to explore and experiment.

Public Programme

Project 1: Colour & Movement: A call & response photography/film project with Black dancers movements interpreting different colours. She will create colour-scape backdrops/sets for the dancers to move/ respond to. Accompanied by a soundscape of the dancers, heartbeat, breath & sounds of limbs in motion to be exhibited as a film installation.

Project 2: A love letter to the Black family: a series of film photo portraits of families and chosen family. Celebrating familial bonds and community as part of my photography project documenting Black community in Lewisham inspired by photographers such as Gordon Parks and Roy DeCarva. 

Supported by using public funding from Arts Council England #acesupported @acegrams

Also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Lewisham Council

contact information

Email: [email protected]

Supported by using public funding from Arts Council England #acesupported @acegrams 

Also part funded buy the European Regional Development Fund and Lewisham Council 

Colour and movement exhibition

Love Letter to the Black Family

selected by

Margot Heller, Director of South London Gallery

Margot has led the SLG through significant change and expansion in terms of its artistic and education programmes, visitor numbers, buildings and staff. She led the SLG’s RIBA award-winning expansion into a former fire station building which opened in 2018 and doubled the organisation’s footprint. The SLG has run extensive education programmes for many years, including a drop-in creative space for children on a neighbouring housing estate. During her tenure Heller has curated numerous exhibitions including those with Michael Armitage, Alvaro Barrington, Chris Burden, Ellen Gallagher, Ryan Gander, Katharina Grosse, Ann Veronica Janssens, Steve McQueen, Oscar Murillo, Danh Vo, and many others. She initiated the SLG’s post graduate artist in residency in 2010, commissioned the SLG’s permanent artist-designed garden by Gabriel Orozco which opened in 2016, and acquired a significant work by Lawrence Weiner for the Fire Station building in 2021. The SLG was joint recipient of Museum of the Year 2020.