Felix Clay – Hypha Studios x HAF


SU13A, Priory Meadow, Hastings TN34 1PH

Felix defines his practice as one of storytelling. Using his personal interests, active imagination and lived experiences as a springboard, his work often holds emotional purpose. His most recent publication tackles how the things around us bear the weight of addiction and featured in the exhibition ‘Showboat’ at the Truman Brewery. He enjoy tackling difficult subjects by archiving and curating information in ways that people can relate to. Another publication that he handmade featured in an exhibition that I curated called ‘Offshore Burrows’ at the Stanley Picker Gallery focussing on Sussex’s carnival tradition – it’s loaded with an agricultural explosive.

How Felix will use his free studio
Felix will be developing research and publication projects. Just having a space dedicated to my practice would allow him to continue to make without interfering with wind down space. Putting on exhibitions for the public is something that Felix is passionate about. He will put on an exhibition following up from ‘Offshore Burrows’ that talks to the local area about rural culture, what it’s like to grow up in Sussex and how bizarre it sometimes is. I think this would be a great way to get the public together. He is also interested in running book binding workshops, having run ‘wine + bind’ at university.

“A Hypha project space would allow me to continue the research that I began in my third year at university. I feel like I really managed to find my calling towards the end and I don’t want to lose that momentum or that studio environment that is so important to us as collaborators. For my practice, this would be amazing as I’d be able to develop my publication and exhibition design skills, and continue to be an activist through my work and produce something to be published on a larger scale. I want to make a difference with my work”.

contact information

Email: [email protected]
Socials: @_felixclay_
